RuotsiCOOP: Operaatio Puukko - to 21.5.2020 klo 2000
RuotsiCOOP: Operaatio Puukko - to 21.5.2020 klo 2000
Käymme yhden ryhmän voimin vierailemassa Anropin eventissä.
To 21/05/2020
klo 2000
Teamspeak3 / password “hejsna”
Arma 3 server / password “hejsna”
Operaatio Puukko
It is the early 1990’s in an alternate universe, where the Soviet Union has not collapsed. Faced with escalating internal difficulties, the Soviet regime attempts to distract its subjects with a more aggressive foreign policy,, directed at neighboring Finland.
In response, the Finnish government requests diplomatic and military support from other Western nations and unexpectedly begins negotiations to join NATO. Driven into a corner, the Soviets find themselves unable to back down and are forced to up the ante by invading Finland, claiming a breach of the Treaty of 1948.
A joint Anglo-German mechanized unit has been conducting training exercises with the Finnish Army in the Hellanmaa area. They now find themselves in the path of the Soviet onslaught…
General information
Hosted by Anrop
Date: 21/05/2020
Time: 1800 GMT / 1900 CET / 2000 EET
Type: Co-op vs Blind Zeus-controlled AI, wave respawn
Map: Hellanmaa
Size: preferably at least ~40-45 players, max 55
Server: / password “hejsna”
Teamspeak: / password “hejsna”
A battalion-sized unit of Soviet Naval Infantry (VMF) is advancing in the AO. Their objective is believed to be to secure a supply route from the north-east to the southern end of the AO. The standard procedure for the enemy is to bypass resistance whenever possible. However, as his supply units are restricted to moving along the road network, he will be forced to ensure that there is an open, uncontested route from the NE to S, along usable, non-blocked, non-mined roads (marked in red on the map).
1.Prevent enemy forces from forming reliable route from NE to SW
Friendly forces and composition
Friendly forces in the AO comprise a mixed company, consisting of British mechanized infantry (FV432), German Panzergrenadiere (M113) and attached support units, including MILAN ATGM vehicles and Wiesel reconnaissance vehicles.
KILO - Company command, 1x soft skin Land Rover
ALPHA - Bundeswehr Panzergrenadier platoon
1x Platoon command team
2x Panzergrenadier squads of 10x men each in M113 APCs with M2 HMGs
G3 rifles
MG3 machineguns
Carl Gustav heavy AT
M72 LAW light AT
Mines (AT, AP) and explosive charges
1x soft skin Land Rover as additional transportation
BRAVO - British Army Mechanized Infantry platoon
1x Platoon command team
2x Mechanized Infantry sections of 10x men each in FV432 APCs with GPMGs (Afille yksi ryhmä)
Carl Gustav heavy AT
M72 LAW light AT
Mines (AT, AP) and explosive charges
1x soft skin Land Rover as additional transportation
TANGO - British Army ATGM team
3x crew in 1x Land Rover MILAN ATGM vehicle
ROMEO - Bundeswehr reconnaissance team
2x crew in 1x Wiesel reconnaissance vehicle
ECHO - British Army Engineering team
4x combat engineers in 1x Land Rover
- Mines (AT, AP), explosive charges, engineering equipment
Indirect fire support is available from nearby Finnish mortar and howitzer units. Additionally, a friendly anti-air unit is deployed in the southern part of the AO, but will be stationary and is not attached to the company. There are also a few scattered units of Finnish Border Guards attempting to delay the enemy advance, but they will operate autonomously.
Enemy forces
The enemy force consists of motorized infantry (Naval), operating in a mix of BTR and BMP vehicles, supported by T-72 tanks and mortars, as well as engineering units to clear out any roadblocks or mines. It is also believed that limited airborne assault units are available to the local commander, on the order of one or two platoons of helicopter borne VDV infantry. No significant fixed wing threat exists in the AO.
Scenario details
The majority of the players make up the BLUFOR side.
BLUFOR will respawn in timed waves (15 min cycles) in a rear area.
Upon respawn, players will be provided with trucks to take them back to the combat area.
Respawned players must rejoin their units and may not act on their own.
Destroyed vehicles can be replaced, but the number of replacement vehicles is limited.
BLUFOR’s objective is to prevent OPFOR from achieving its objective for at least 2 hours following mission start.
The OPFOR side is made up of AI units controlled and directed by several Blind Zeus players, who will attempt to achieve their objective to the best of their ability.
Lisätietoa: ... mcmh3cs6gp
1. Ilmoittaudu AWATS! -10 max pelaajaa!
2. Varaa paikka rosterista!
3. Lataa modit ajoissa!
4. Testaa modit ja yhteydet
5. Ole serverillä ja tessussa AJOISSA!
Modien lataaminen ja asentaminen:
Seuraa Anropilta löytyvää erittäin hyvää ohjetta Arma3sync ohjelman käyttöön.
Tosin jos ei ruotsi meinaa taittua niin voi sen ohjeen vaihtaa lontooksikin tai jopa suomeksi googlen avulla.
Edit:Tästä löytyy myös sama linkki lontoon murteella.
Suosittelen itse kuitenkin asentamaan modit erilliseen kansioon kuin afi modit sillä päälekkäisyyksiä ja versio eroja löytyy.
Muuten ohjelma saattaa töniä muutamia bittejä vinoon meidän modeista ja sitten kellään ei ole enää hauskaa kun pitää ladata oma repo uudestaan.
Tosin teknologian ihmeet voivat vaikka kopioida isoimmat modit toiseen kansioon jotta ladattavaa ei jää enää niin paljon (Esim RHS)
Tässä esimerkki kuva modeista, jotka voidaan suoraan kopioida meidän omasta PRIMARY reposta toiseen kansioon,joka vähentää latausta 30 GB -----> n.10 GB
ja jos on niin hyvä tuuri että CUP on asennettuna jo jossain niin ladattavaa jää vielä vähemmän.
Muistakaa että modikansioiden nimet tulee olla tismalleen samat mitkä arma3syncissä on. Esimerkiksi "@rksl_attachments_pack" modi pitää nimetä uudelleen "@rksl_attachments"
Last edited by Immonen on 11 May 2020, 17:54, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: syy
Reason: syy
Re: RuotsiCOOP: Operaatio Puukko - to 21.5.2020 klo 2000
Äääh, joudun sittenkin jättämään eventin väliin. Otin itteni pois awatsista.
Pitäkää hauskaa. Hyvältä setiltä vaikuttaa.
Pitäkää hauskaa. Hyvältä setiltä vaikuttaa.
"Vihollisen paras ase on oma krh" - Acidizer