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Re: AFI:n sisäiset modit

Posted: 29 Oct 2018, 21:11
by Temppa
Markkereita ei voinut laittaa kun oli ingame brief, saako jollain käskyllä toimimaan?

Re: AFI:n sisäiset modit

Posted: 29 Oct 2018, 21:36
by Tikka
Temppa wrote:Markkereita ei voinut laittaa kun oli ingame brief, saako jollain käskyllä toimimaan?
Ylikirjoita afi_main_disabledChatChannels initin aikana tai käytä komentoa.

Re: AFI:n sisäiset modit

Posted: 30 Oct 2018, 12:42
by Bummeri
Pitäisikö näistä:
afi_main_ignoreRating = true
afi_main_enemyRadiosAllowed = false
afi_main_enemyVehiclesAllowed = false
afi_main_disabledChatChannels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Ja muista mahdollisista muuttujista tehdä addon options CBA settings järjestelmää käyttäen? Siten niitä on helppo säätää tehtävissä.
Tämä koskee yleisestikkin meidän käytössä olevia modeja. Olisi hyvä jos se oletusarvo olisi, että nuo ovat tehtynä. Se järjestelmä on tosiaan superhelppo käyttää. Samalla tulee asitakin ainakin kohtuullisesti dokumentoitua tooltippeihin yms.

Re: AFI:n sisäiset modit

Posted: 30 Oct 2018, 14:42
by Tuntematon
Pitääkö tämä edellen spawnata vai voiko tämän call afi_safestart_fnc_start?

Re: AFI:n sisäiset modit

Posted: 30 Oct 2018, 14:48
by Tikka
Bummeri wrote:Pitäisikö näistä:
afi_main_ignoreRating = true
afi_main_enemyRadiosAllowed = false
afi_main_enemyVehiclesAllowed = false
afi_main_disabledChatChannels = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Ja muista mahdollisista muuttujista tehdä addon options CBA settings järjestelmää käyttäen? Siten niitä on helppo säätää tehtävissä.
Tämä koskee yleisestikkin meidän käytössä olevia modeja. Olisi hyvä jos se oletusarvo olisi, että nuo ovat tehtynä. Se järjestelmä on tosiaan superhelppo käyttää. Samalla tulee asitakin ainakin kohtuullisesti dokumentoitua tooltippeihin yms.
Pitäisi, tarkoitus oli, mutta loppu aika kesken. Toisaalta muuttujat on sellaisia ettei niitä tarvitse juuri koskaan muuttaa, joten ei oo mitään prioriteetti niitä CBA:n systeemille muuttaa.
Tuntematon wrote:Pitääkö tämä edellen spawnata vai voiko tämän call afi_safestart_fnc_start?

Re: AFI:n sisäiset modit

Posted: 30 Oct 2018, 17:02
by Tikka
JoneKone wrote:
Blahh wrote:Entrenching tooliin pitäisi lisätä uudet kartat: Ihantalat ja pulau
Samalla voisi pudottaa kaikki trenchien kaivuuajat ~ -30%? Epäillen, että kukaan jaksaa Armassa kaivaa poteroa itselleen enemmän kuin 2 min?

Nyt esim. Vehicle trench on 10+ min. Mikä sinänsä on ymmärrettävää IRL aspectista, mutta kun Armassa tuollaisen muurin hyöty on kyseenalainen (raskaat kaliiperit menee kaiken lisäksi läpi) niin se että viettää 20% tehtävän kestosta kaivamassa yhtä asemaa bemarille niin...?

Mielummin näkisin, että noita trenchejä käytettäisiin kuin se että niiden kaivuuajat on pitkät, ettei niitä käytetä. Tiedän että niitä trencehjä spämmättiin aikaisemmin, mutta pieni pienennys kaivuuajoissa tekisi silti modista käyttökelpoisempi. Tehtäväntekijä jakaa sitten niitä lapioita tehtävän luonteen mukaan.
Näköjään tämä modi päivittynyt:
- Added: The function to dig with multiple people
- Added: A new option to force stop digging when stamina hits 0
- Fixed: A bug related to stamina not returning (thanks to @NoxNovember)
- Fixed: A bug in the placement routine (thanks to @Theowningone)
- Fixed: Reworked placement system to fix the bug of trenches sticking out of the ground
- Added CBA settings to adjust the build time. If you are using an addon that overrides the config entries to adjust the build times you have to remove this addon. Otherwise you probably will get script errors when building a trench.
- Added stamina use when building a trench. Stamina is reduced over time and can be adjusted by setting the stamina factor in CBA settings.

Päivityksen yhteydessä aikoja voisi hiukan laskea, mutta saa nähdä miten muut muutokset vaikuttavat. Jatkossa tosin aikoja on helppo säätää, eikä tarvitse aina uusia conffeja.

Re: AFI:n sisäiset modit

Posted: 05 Nov 2018, 01:46
by Tikka
Tushinolta lainattu conffeja: afi_rebalance_rhs_blue ja afi_rebalance_rhs_red

Code: Select all

class CfgAmmo {	
	class MissileCore;
	class MissileBase: MissileCore {
		class Components;
	class rhs_ammo_Sidewinder_AA : MissileBase {
		airLock = 2;
		missileLockCone = 30;
		weaponLockSystem = 3;
	class M_Titan_AT;

    class M_PG_AT;

    class ACE_Hellfire_AGM114K: M_PG_AT {
		// ais_ce_penetrators[] = {"rhs_ammo_Hellfire_AT_penetrator"};
		submunitionAmmo = "rhs_ammo_Hellfire_AT_penetrator";
		submunitionDirectionType = "SubmunitionModelDirection";
		submunitionInitialOffset[] = {0,0,-0.2};
		submunitionParentSpeedCoef = 0;
		submunitionInitSpeed = 1000;
		triggerOnImpact = 1;
		deleteParentWhenTriggered = 0;
		hit = 400;
		indirectHit = 35;
		indirectHitRange = 8;
		maxControlRange = 8000;
		maneuvrability = 12;
		class ace_missileguidance {
            enabled = 1;

            minDeflection = 0.0005;      // Minium flap deflection for guidance
            maxDeflection = 0.01;       // Maximum flap deflection for guidance
            incDeflection = 0.0005;      // The incrmeent in which deflection adjusts.

            canVanillaLock = 0;          // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode

            // Guidance type for munitions
            defaultSeekerType = "SALH";
            seekerTypes[] = { "SALH", "LIDAR", "SARH", "Optic", "Thermal", "GPS", "SACLOS", "MCLOS" };

            defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
            seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL", "LOBL" };

            seekLastTargetPos = 1;      // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
            seekerAngle = 38;           // Angle in front of the missile which can be searched
            seekerAccuracy = 1;         // seeker accuracy multiplier

            seekerMinRange = 1;
            seekerMaxRange = 5000;      // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search

            // Attack profile type selection
            defaultAttackProfile = "hellfire";
            attackProfiles[] = {"hellfire", "hellfire_hi", "hellfire_lo"};

	class Missile_AGM_02_F;
	class rhs_ammo_Hellfire_AT: Missile_AGM_02_F {};
	class RHS_ammo_AGM_114L: rhs_ammo_Hellfire_AT {};
	class RHS_ammo_AGM_114K: rhs_ammo_Hellfire_AT
		manualControl = 0;
		airLock = 0;
		irLock = 0;
		laserLock = 0;
		canLock = 0;
		maneuvrability = 12;
		weaponLockSystem = 0;
		class ace_missileguidance {
            enabled = 1;

            minDeflection = 0.0005;      // Minium flap deflection for guidance
            maxDeflection = 0.01;       // Maximum flap deflection for guidance
            incDeflection = 0.0005;      // The incrmeent in which deflection adjusts.

            canVanillaLock = 0;          // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode

            // Guidance type for munitions
            defaultSeekerType = "SALH";
            seekerTypes[] = { "SALH", "LIDAR", "SARH", "Optic", "Thermal", "GPS", "SACLOS", "MCLOS" };

            defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
            seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL", "LOBL" };

            seekLastTargetPos = 1;      // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
            seekerAngle = 38;           // Angle in front of the missile which can be searched
            seekerAccuracy = 1;         // seeker accuracy multiplier

            seekerMinRange = 1;
            seekerMaxRange = 5000;      // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search

            // Attack profile type selection
            defaultAttackProfile = "hellfire";
            attackProfiles[] = {"hellfire", "hellfire_hi", "hellfire_lo"};
	class RHS_ammo_AGM_114M: RHS_ammo_AGM_114K {
		airLock = 0;
		irLock = 0;
		laserLock = 0;
		canLock = 0;
		maneuvrability = 12;
		weaponLockSystem = 0;
		class ace_missileguidance {
            enabled = 1;

            minDeflection = 0.0005;      // Minium flap deflection for guidance
            maxDeflection = 0.01;       // Maximum flap deflection for guidance
            incDeflection = 0.0005;      // The incrmeent in which deflection adjusts.

            canVanillaLock = 0;          // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode

            // Guidance type for munitions
            defaultSeekerType = "SALH";
            seekerTypes[] = { "SALH", "LIDAR", "SARH", "Optic", "Thermal", "GPS", "SACLOS", "MCLOS" };

            defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
            seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL", "LOBL" };

            seekLastTargetPos = 1;      // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
            seekerAngle = 38;           // Angle in front of the missile which can be searched
            seekerAccuracy = 1;         // seeker accuracy multiplier

            seekerMinRange = 1;
            seekerMaxRange = 5000;      // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search

            // Attack profile type selection
            defaultAttackProfile = "hellfire";
            attackProfiles[] = {"hellfire", "hellfire_hi", "hellfire_lo"};
	class RHS_ammo_AGM_114N: RHS_ammo_AGM_114M {
		airLock = 0;
		irLock = 0;
		laserLock = 0;
		canLock = 0;
		maneuvrability = 12;
		weaponLockSystem = 0;
		class ace_missileguidance {
            enabled = 1;

            minDeflection = 0.0005;      // Minium flap deflection for guidance
            maxDeflection = 0.01;       // Maximum flap deflection for guidance
            incDeflection = 0.0005;      // The incrmeent in which deflection adjusts.

            canVanillaLock = 0;          // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode

            // Guidance type for munitions
            defaultSeekerType = "SALH";
            seekerTypes[] = { "SALH", "LIDAR", "SARH", "Optic", "Thermal", "GPS", "SACLOS", "MCLOS" };

            defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
            seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL", "LOBL" };

            seekLastTargetPos = 1;      // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
            seekerAngle = 38;           // Angle in front of the missile which can be searched
            seekerAccuracy = 1;         // seeker accuracy multiplier

            seekerMinRange = 1;
            seekerMaxRange = 5000;      // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search

            // Attack profile type selection
            defaultAttackProfile = "hellfire";
            attackProfiles[] = {"hellfire", "hellfire_hi", "hellfire_lo"};
	class RHS_Ammo_DAGR: MissileBase
		irLock = 0;
		airLock = 0;
		manualControl = 0;
		laserLock = 0;
		canLock = 0;
		maneuvrability = 10;
		thrustTime = 1.1;
		thrust = 825;
		weaponLockSystem = 0;
        class ace_missileguidance {
            enabled = 1;

            minDeflection = 0.0005;      // Minium flap deflection for guidance
            maxDeflection = 0.01;       // Maximum flap deflection for guidance
            incDeflection = 0.0005;      // The incrmeent in which deflection adjusts.

            canVanillaLock = 0;          // Can this default vanilla lock? Only applicable to non-cadet mode

            // Guidance type for munitions
            defaultSeekerType = "SALH";
            seekerTypes[] = { "SALH" };

            defaultSeekerLockMode = "LOAL";
            seekerLockModes[] = { "LOAL", "LOBL" };

            seekLastTargetPos = 1;      // seek last target position [if seeker loses LOS of target, continue to last known pos]
            seekerAngle = 38;           // Angle in front of the missile which can be searched
            seekerAccuracy = 1;         // seeker accuracy multiplier

            seekerMinRange = 1;
            seekerMaxRange = 5000;      // Range from the missile which the seeker can visually search

            // Attack profile type selection
            defaultAttackProfile = "JAV_DIR";
            attackProfiles[] = {"JAV_DIR"};
	class rhs_ammo_TOW_AT : M_Titan_AT {
		indirectHit = 20;
		indirectHitRange = 3.8;
		// submunitionAmmo = "";
	class rhs_ammo_TOWB_AT;
	class rhs_ammo_TOW2_AT : rhs_ammo_TOWB_AT {
		indirectHit = 20;
		indirectHitRange = 3.8;
	class B_30mm_APFSDS;
	class B_30mm_APFSDS_Tracer_Red : B_30mm_APFSDS {
		hit = 90;
		caliber = 4;
	class  B_40mm_APFSDS : B_30mm_APFSDS {
		hit = 100;
		caliber = 5;
	class B_20mm;
	class rhs_ammo_20mm_AP: B_20mm
		allowagainstinfantry = 1;
		airLock = 1;
		irLock = 0;
		artilleryLock = 0;
		autoSeekTarget = 0;
		laserLock = 1;
		indirectHit = 6;
		indirectHitRange = 1.8;

	class B_30mm_HE;
	class rhs_ammo_30x113mm_M789_HEDP: B_30mm_HE
		airLock = 1;
		irLock = 0;
		artilleryLock = 0;
		laserLock = 1;
		autoSeekTarget = 1;
		indirectHit = 7;
		indirectHitRange = 2.1;		
	class RHS_ammo_M792_HEI : B_30mm_HE {
		indirectHit = 8;
		indirectHitRange = 1.9;

	class BulletBase;

	class B_127x99_Ball;
	class B_127x99_SLAP;
	class rhsusf_ammo_127x99_M33_Ball: B_127x99_Ball
		caliber = 2.5;
		hit = 30;
	class rhsusf_ammo_127x99_mk211 : rhsusf_ammo_127x99_M33_Ball {
		hit = 35;
		caliber = 2.8;
		indirectHit = 6;
		indirectHitRange = 0.3;

	class rhs_ammo_762x51_M80_Ball: BulletBase
		caliber = 0.7;
	class rhs_ammo_762x51_M61_AP: rhs_ammo_762x51_M80_Ball
		caliber = 0.9;
	class rhs_ammo_762x51_M80A1EPR_Ball: rhs_ammo_762x51_M80_Ball
		caliber = 1;

	class rhs_ammo_762x51_M118_Special_Ball: rhs_ammo_762x51_M80_Ball
		caliber = 0.7;
	class rhs_ammo_762x51_M993_Ball: rhs_ammo_762x51_M80_Ball
		caliber = 1.2;

	class rhs_ammo_127x99_Ball:B_127x99_Ball
		caliber = 2.6;		

	class rhs_ammo_127x99_SLAP: B_127x99_SLAP
		caliber = 3.4;		
	class B_762x54_Ball;
	class rhsusf_B_300winmag: B_762x54_Ball
		caliber = 1;
	class Sh_120mm_HE;
	class rhs_ammo_M1069: Sh_120mm_HE
		deflecting = 0;
	class rhs_ammo_M1147: rhs_ammo_M1069{};
	class rhs_ammo_M416: rhs_ammo_M1069
		deflecting = 0;
	class rhs_ammo_M1028: rhs_ammo_M1069
		deflecting = 0;


Code: Select all

class CfgAmmo {	
	class BulletBase;
	class B_762x51_Ball;
    class SmokeLauncherAmmo;
	class rhs_ammo_3d17: SmokeLauncherAmmo
		rhs_smokeShell = "";
		muzzleEffect = "BIS_fnc_effectFiredSmokeLauncher";
		rhs_muzzleEffect = "";
		effectsSmoke = "EmptyEffect";
		weaponLockSystem = "1 + 2 + 4";
		hit = 1;
		indirectHit = 0;
		indirectHitRange = 0;
		timeToLive = 10.0;
		thrustTime = 10.0;
		airFriction = -0.1;
		simulation = "shotCM";
		model = "\A3\weapons_f\empty";
		maxControlRange = 50;
		initTime = 2;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = "4 + 8";
	class rhs_ammo_902a: rhs_ammo_3d17
		rhs_smokeShell = "";
		muzzleEffect = "BIS_fnc_effectFiredSmokeLauncher";
		rhs_muzzleEffect = "";
		effectsSmoke = "EmptyEffect";
		weaponLockSystem = "1 + 2 + 4";
		hit = 1;
		indirectHit = 0;
		indirectHitRange = 0;
		timeToLive = 10.0;
		thrustTime = 10.0;
		airFriction = -0.1;
		simulation = "shotCM";
		model = "\A3\weapons_f\empty";
		maxControlRange = 50;
		initTime = 2;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = "4 + 8";
	class rhs_ammo_3d17_902B: rhs_ammo_3d17
		rhs_smokeShell = "";
		muzzleEffect = "BIS_fnc_effectFiredSmokeLauncher";
		rhs_muzzleEffect = "";
		effectsSmoke = "EmptyEffect";
		weaponLockSystem = "1 + 2 + 4";
		hit = 1;
		indirectHit = 0;
		indirectHitRange = 0;
		timeToLive = 10.0;
		thrustTime = 10.0;
		airFriction = -0.1;
		simulation = "shotCM";
		model = "\A3\weapons_f\empty";
		maxControlRange = 50;
		initTime = 2;
		aiAmmoUsageFlags = "4 + 8";
	class MissileCore;
	class MissileBase: MissileCore {
		class Components;
	class rhs_ammo_Sidewinder_AA : MissileBase {
		airLock = 2;
	class M_Titan_AT;
	class rhs_ammo_atgmCore_base : M_Titan_AT {
		indirectHit = 25; 
		indirectHitRange = 3.1;
		// submunitionAmmo = "";
	class rhs_ammo_atgmBase_base : M_Titan_AT {
		indirectHit = 25; 
		indirectHitRange = 3.1;
		// submunitionAmmo = "";
	class rhs_ammo_3bk12_penetrator;	
	class rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator : rhs_ammo_3bk12_penetrator {
		caliber = 40; //(600/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m112m_penetrator : rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator {
		caliber = 56; //(840/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m113 : rhs_ammo_atgmBase_base {
		// ais_ce_penetrators[] = {"rhs_ammo_heat_tandem", "rhs_ammo_9m113_penetrator"};
		indirectHit = 25;
		indirectHitRange = 3.4;
	class rhs_ammo_9m113_penetrator : rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator {
		caliber = 53; //(800/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m117 : rhs_ammo_atgmCore_base {
		// ais_ce_penetrators[] = {"rhs_ammo_heat_tandem", "rhs_ammo_9m117_penetrator"};
		indirectHit = 25;
		indirectHitRange = 3.4;
	class rhs_ammo_9m117_penetrator : rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator {
		caliber = 53; // (800/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m118 : rhs_ammo_9m117 {
		// ais_ce_penetrators[] = {"rhs_ammo_9m118_penetrator"};
		indirectHit = 25;
		indirectHitRange = 3.4;
	class rhs_ammo_9m118_penetrator : rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator {
		caliber = 43;  //(650/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m119 : rhs_ammo_atgmCore_base {
		// ais_ce_penetrators[] = {"rhs_ammo_heat_tandem", "rhs_ammo_9m119_penetrator"};
		indirectHit = 25;
		indirectHitRange = 3.4;
	class rhs_ammo_9m119_penetrator : rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator {
		hit = 250;
		caliber = 57; //(850/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m119m : rhs_ammo_9m119 {
		// ais_ce_penetrators[] = {"rhs_ammo_heat_tandem", "rhs_ammo_9m119m_penetrator"};
		indirectHit = 25;
		indirectHitRange = 3.4;
	class rhs_ammo_9m119m_penetrator : rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator {
		caliber = 60; //(900/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m128 : rhs_ammo_atgmCore_base {
		// ais_ce_penetrators[] = {"rhs_ammo_heat_tandem", "rhs_ammo_9m128_penetrator"};
		maxControlRange = 5000;	// max range for manual control, 0 = no control (passive weapon)
	class rhs_ammo_9m128_penetrator : rhs_ammo_9m112_penetrator {
		hit = 250;
		caliber = 53; //(800/((15*1000)/1000))
	class rhs_ammo_9m120 : rhs_ammo_atgmBase_base {
		indirectHit = 25;
		indirectHitRange = 3.4;
	//меняем дальность стрельбы ПТРК Метис
	/* class rhs_ammo_9m115: rhs_ammo_9m119
		maxControlRange = 600; //=1000m
	class rhs_ammo_9m131: rhs_ammo_9m115
		maxControlRange = 1350; //=1500m
	class rhs_ammo_9m131m: rhs_ammo_9m131
		maxControlRange = 2100; //=2000m
	}; */
	class rhs_ammo_9m131m;
	class rhs_ammo_9m131f: rhs_ammo_9m131m
		// maxControlRange = 2100; //=2000m
		CraterEffects = "HEShellCrater";
		ExplosionEffects = "HEShellExplosion";
	//Меняем дальность стрельбы ПТРК Корнет
	class rhs_ammo_9m133: rhs_ammo_atgmBase_base
		// maxControlRange = 5300; //=5500m
		timetolive = 45;
	class R_80mm_HE;	// External class reference
	class rhs_ammo_s8 : R_80mm_HE {
		hit = 210;
		indirectHit = 55;
		indirectHitRange = 8;
		// submunitionAmmo = "";
	class rhs_ammo_s8DF : rhs_ammo_s8 {
		indirectHit = 55;
		indirectHitRange = 10;
	class rhs_ammo_s8t : rhs_ammo_s8 {
		indirectHitRange = 6;
	class B_30mm_AP;
	class rhs_ammo_30x165mm_base : B_30mm_AP {
		indirectHit = 3;
		indirectHitRange = 0.1;
	class B_30mm_HE;	// External class reference
	class rhs_ammo_3uor6 : B_30mm_HE {
		indirectHit = 7;
		indirectHitRange = 2;
	class rhs_ammo_3uof8 : rhs_ammo_3uor6 {
		indirectHit = 8;
		indirectHitRange = 2.3;
	class B_35mm_AA;	// External class reference
	class RHS_ammo_23mm_AA : B_35mm_AA {
	    indirectHit = 8;
		indirectHitRange = 1.8;		
		tracerEndTime = 6;

	class rhs_ammo_ofz_23x115mm : RHS_ammo_23mm_AA
		indirectHit = 8;
		indirectHitRange = 1.5;		
	class rhs_ammo_ofzt_23x115mm : rhs_ammo_ofz_23x115mm
		indirectHit = 7;
		indirectHitRange = 1.3;		

	class rhs_ammo_127x107mm;
	class rhs_ammo_145x115mm: rhs_ammo_127x107mm
		ACE_bulletMass = 64;
		ACE_bulletLength = 158;
		ACE_caliber = 14.5;
		hit = 42; //по формуле sqrt(mass/2)*speed/5 и увеличено на 20%, как у М2
		indirectHit = 2;
		indirectHitRange = 0.2;
		//caliber = "(56/((15*988)/1000))"; //на 300 метров пробивает 20мм под углом 20 градусов с вероятностью 80%, 
		caliber = 3.2;
		tracerScale = 1.5;
		tracerStartTime = 0.075;
		tracerEndTime = 2.5;
	class SubmunitionBase;
	class rhs_ammo_127x108mm_x5: SubmunitionBase
		submunitionConeType[] = {"randomcenter",2};
	class rhs_ammo_127x108mm_1SLT_x5: rhs_ammo_127x108mm_x5
		submunitionConeType[] = {"randomcenter",2};
	class M_Titan_AA: MissileBase {};	// External class reference
	class rhs_ammo_bm_base;
	class rhs_ammo_bk_base : rhs_ammo_bm_base
		deflecting = 0;
	class Sh_125mm_HE;
	class rhs_ammo_of_base : Sh_125mm_HE
		timeToLive = 360;
		deflecting = 0;
		CraterEffects = "HEShellCrater";
		CraterWaterEffects = "ImpactEffectsWaterHE";
		ExplosionEffects = "HEShellExplosion";
	class rhs_ammo_20mm_AP;
	class rhs_ammo_20x139mm_AP: rhs_ammo_20mm_AP
		allowagainstinfantry = 1;
		airLock = 1;
		irLock = 0;
		artilleryLock = 0;
		autoSeekTarget = 0;
		laserLock = 1;
	class rhs_ammo_20x139mm_HE: rhs_ammo_20x139mm_AP
		allowagainstinfantry = 1;
		airLock = 1;
		irLock = 0;
		artilleryLock = 0;
		autoSeekTarget = 0;
		laserLock = 1;

	class rhs_B_762x54_Ball : B_762x51_Ball
		hit = 11;
		caliber = 0.95;

	class rhs_B_762x54_7N1_Ball : rhs_B_762x54_Ball 
		hit = 11;
		caliber = 0.9;

	class rhs_B_762x54_7N13_Ball: rhs_B_762x54_Ball
		hit = 12;
		caliber = 1.05;
	class rhs_B_762x54_7N14_Ball: rhs_B_762x54_Ball
		hit = 12;
		caliber = 1;

	class rhs_B_762x54_7BZ3_Ball: rhs_B_762x54_Ball
		hit = 12.5;
		caliber = 1.1;

	class rhs_B_762x54_7N26_Ball: rhs_B_762x54_Ball
		hit = 13;
		caliber = 1.15;
	class rhs_ammo_792x57_Ball: BulletBase
		caliber = 0.6;
	class rhs_ammo_rpgShell_base;
	class rhs_ammo_og9v: rhs_ammo_rpgShell_base
		timeToLive = 360;
	class rhs_ammo_og9vm: rhs_ammo_og9v
		timeToLive = 360;
	class R_PG32V_F;
	class rhs_rpg26_rocket : R_PG32V_F
		timeToLive = 6;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm_base;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm9: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 440;
		typicalSpeed = 1800;
		caliber = 9.07407;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm12: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 465;
		typicalSpeed = 1800;
		caliber = 10.3704;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm15: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 490;
		typicalSpeed = 1780;
		caliber = 11.6105;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm17: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 480;
		typicalSpeed = 1760;
		caliber = 10.9848;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm22: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 450;
		typicalSpeed = 1760;
		caliber = 14.3939;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm26: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 480;
		typicalSpeed = 1720;
		caliber = 15.8915;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm29: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 480;
		caliber = 16.8627;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm32: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 480;
		caliber = 21.1765;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm42: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 500;
		caliber = 19.2157;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm42m: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 520;
		typicalSpeed = 1750;
		caliber = 24.7619;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm46: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 550;
		typicalSpeed = 1700;
		caliber = 26.7059;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm59: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 550;
		typicalSpeed = 1700;
		caliber = 30.5882;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm60: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 550;
		typicalSpeed = 1700;
		caliber = 27.0588;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm69: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 550;
		typicalSpeed = 2050;
		caliber = 33.6842;
	class rhs_ammo_3bm70: rhs_ammo_3bm_base
		submunitionAmmo = "";
		hit = 550;
		typicalSpeed = 2050;
		caliber = 31.2281;
- ATGM toimii hitusen paremmin
- Vähemmän heittoja saman kaliiperin ammuksissa
- S8 raketit hieman vähemmän tappavia
- ACEn systeemejä RHS ohjuksiin
- .50calit läpäisee paremmin